赤色风暴(台),核艇风暴,红潮风暴 Crimson Tide...
圣战家园,血战,反抗军 Defiance...
绝地孤军(港),红翼行动(台),孤独的生还者,孤独幸存者,唯一幸存者,孤独的幸存者 Lone Survivor...
绑架海尼根(台),喜力綁架案(港),绑架弗雷迪·喜力,Kidnapping Freddy Heineken,惊天绑架团 Kidnapping Mr. Heineken...
艾什 Asher2018,艾什 Asher...
加勒比海之勒索风云,加勒比营救,勒索风云 Extortion...
割喉市 Cut Throat City2020,割喉市 Cut Throat City...
地球上最后的日子 Final Days of Planet Earth2006,地球上最后的日子 Final Days of Planet Earth...
悬浮,暂停 Suspension...
American Metal,暴民之地 Mob Land...
Island of Fire,Island On Fire,Fire Burn Island,The Prisoner,The Burning Island,When Dragons Meet,火烧岛 火燒島...
谈判专家(台),Running Out of Time,暗战 暗戰...
谈判专家(台),Running Out of Time,暗战 暗戰...
Casino Raiders,至尊无上 至尊無上...
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杀破狼2之杀无赦,SPL 2: A Time For Consequences,Kill Zone2,杀破狼2 殺破狼2...
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Dragon Tattoo,The Invincible Dragon,九龙不败 九龍不敗...
情义之西西里岛,Island of Greed,Hak gam,黑金...
情义之西西里岛,Island of Greed,Hak gam,黑金...