誓约,盟约 The Covenant...
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木乃伊2023木乃伊 Mummies2023,木乃伊 Mummies...
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隔窗恋爱我在窗前恋上你(港),心动隔扇窗,Through My Window,隔窗恋爱 A través de mi ventana...
爱之食粮翻页少年,爱的食粮,The Page Turner,爱之食粮 Food of Love...
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过客职业:记者,旅客,The Passenger,过客 Professione: reporter...
暴力街区玩命特区(台),暴力禁区(港),公寓追凶,District B13,暴力街区 Brick Mansions...
坐火车旅行搭火车旅行好吃惊(台),坐火车旅行的好处,Traveling by Train,Advantages of Travelling by Train,坐火车旅行 Ventajas de viajar en tren...
夜童Diabólica malicia,Child of the Night,Der Zeuge hinter der Wand,Diabolisch,Night Child,Night Hair Child,Tua presenza nuda, La,What the Peeper Saw,大战小色狼(kevin译名),夜童 La tua presenza nuda!...
风吹麦浪吹动大麦的风(台),风吹稻浪,风吹麦浪 The Wind That Shakes the Barley...
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走出黑暗走出黑暗 Out of the Dark2014,走出黑暗 Out of the Dark...
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冰肤传说冷皮,冰海异种(台),La piel fría,冰肤传说 Cold Skin...
耶稣指引你上高速上帝带你嗨(台),耶稣指引你上高速 Jesus Shows You the Way to the Highway...